County attorney Rheubin Taylor, in a one-sentence reply to a press inquiry, says “hose inquiries need to be addressed to the Sheriff Department.” The matter of rising interest among …
Dear Mr. Taylor , I contacted you Oct. 18 about the car seized by Sheriff Jim Hammond 181 days ago in the arrest under Tenn. Code Ann. Title 55 …
Why do traffic cases in Hamilton County go to sessions court — and are not heard administratively in Nashville in a state agency? Traffic cases are administrative violations, and …
My project to end abusive policing practices and Tennessee requires a bottom up process that will eventually work, I contend. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM Reform from …
The Chattanooga police department’s refusal to obey the scope of Title 55, the motor and other vehicles statute, invites closer scrutiny of its obedience to other laws. My review …
The concept of notice is akin to that of preaching and prophecy in Christianity. My administrative notice project tells officials by restatement of law and court rulings the limits …
A middle Tennessee private businessman has filed a criminal complaint with the FBI regarding the state’s custom of giving driver licenses to people without their having applied for them …
My goal as reform booster and investigative journalist is to make public officials more Christian, and to encourage churchgoing Americans to pray and work specifically for godly government. By …