Financial responsibility casePersecutionsPolitical figures

Fraud case ties up 7 state attorneys; ‘lawyers, lawyers everywhere, and every word does stink‘

Three attorneys have been assigned to defeat your case in Davidson County chancery court. Attorney general Jonathan Skrmetti, left, has named Mary McCullohs, a senior assistant attorney general, and an attorney not pictured, Hollie R. Parris, to defend “Eye of Sauron” fraud respondent Jeff Long, right photo, an attorney and commissioner of safety. Mr. Skrmetti assigned Nick Barcas, center bottom left, to defend David Gerregano, an attorney and commissioner of revenue, in the state case State ex rel. David Jonathan Tulis v. Jeff Long et al, targeting a shakedown of the public netting state-licensed insurance companies F$2 billion a year in “free” premiums derived from an extortion program under color of the TN financial responsibility law of 1977. (Photos state government)

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Monday, March 17, 2025 — A journalist says he has two state commissioners “surrounded” with his “Eye of Sauron” litigation opposed by five state attorneys fighting to keep alive a program two Gov. Bill Lee appointees are running.

David Tulis is suing David Gerregano, an attorney and commissioner of revenue, and Jeff Long, an attorney and safety commissioner, in a 93-page complaint in Davidson County chancery court demanding a halt to a 23-year-old mandatory insurance program enforced on all motorists.

“Lawyers, lawyers everywhere, and every word did stink,” says Tulis of Eagle Radio Network in Chattanooga, a classic rock hits platform.

Gov. Bill Lee talks business at an event His administration is a strong supporter of the insurance industry. (Photo governor’s office)

Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti assigned attorneys Nicholas Barca to defend Gerregano, senior assistant AG Mary E. McCullohs and assistant AG Hollie R. Parrish to defend Long in the case alleging mass public fraud and oppression under color of the Tennessee financial responsibility law of 1977. Revenue attorney Camille Cline in administrative proceedings has been defending her boss since July 2023.

Tulis filed suit Nov. 1, 2024, in Hamilton County. The action transferred to McMinn County, went to Nashville for review by the Tennessee Supreme Court, was transferred next to Davidson County chancery court, “the bouncing case no honorable judge should want to miss being part of,” says Tulis, known for lawsuits against officials.

Tulis is suing the department and Gerregano personally in U.S. district court in Nashville. He says the law requires special insurance called the “motor vehicle liability policy” of persons who get to keep the driving privilege on condition of being able to show proof or evidence of financial responsibility, using certified or SR-22 policies. In a motion for injunction, Tulis says, “defendants coerce members of the public to buy insurance they can’t afford and obtain policies that aren’t certified.” 

In reports to the general assembly the commissioners say the program generates 40,800 convictions on average every year. Criminal prosecutions are against 1 million uninsured poor.       ###

David Tulis sued Gov. Bill Lee in an 878-day case for fraud in the Covid emergency and sued supreme court justice Roger Page for false imprisonment and false arrest in covering the secretive Tennessee judicial conference. (Photo Eagle Radio Network)


David runs a personal nonprofit fighting and mercy ministry. He thanks you for checks sent directly to c/o 10520 Brickhill Lane, Soddy-Daisy, TN 37379. Also at GiveSendGo.

Put a grenade in David’s webbing

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