David, I’ve got a comment for you, and I’d like it to appear on our site because it does not “reduce the level of discourse” (a thing you say you oppose). Instead, I am going to leave a comment because it will help other people consider what you’ve published, and to think more wisely or more deeply — hey, even better — about the arguments of the site. I promise that anything I post here will be the result of more than a minute’s reflection, and that it will help other people pursue the goals of vibrant Christian living in the context of local economy.
Re-blogged article about Bishop Hugh Latimer on British North America Freedom blog. Good read. Cheers. 🙂 Ecce, quam bonum! (“Behold, how good & pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” Psalm 133, Psalter, Prayer Book, C of E)
Have you approached Brother Harwood about that for which you fault him? Or are you, too, playing to an audience rather than obeying the Scriptures?
The library used book sale is part of a larger conspiracy to erase our history.
A library is a repository of our culture’s history and just because a book is not used for a while does not mean it should be discarded; to the contrary, it should be kept because one era’s truth is another’s error. Unless we can see the errors of the past we will repeat them. The libraries have what is called a “weeding” policy — to get rid of all old books — you know anything politically incorrect.
The prior, retired library manager felt that the library should be a repository of our history. But, look now at the books they throw away as trash. The fourth floor used to be all the reference books; now those are “gone” and we have an Internet connection instead. These library book sales are shameful.
Hats off to your title of the article, “Even at its best, politics offers continual use of force to achieve good.” It perfectly distills the essence of the subtle and didactic statements in support of the absolute authority of the state by the two candidates.
The last sentence of the statement by McGary, “Government that works best celebrates individual initiative while acknowledging we are indeed our brother’s keepers by calling for shared responsibility,” leaves a crack big enough for a freight train to come through loaded with the justification for the authoritarian welfare state.