I am at the U.S. district court in Nashville suing to stop predatory TN government in prosecuting poor people for not being customers of the insurance industry. (Photo David Tulis)

My Tennessee lawsuit against a sheriff raises new issues and proposes a never-before-tried strategy in liberty’s fight against tyranny. Namely: PRIVILEGE LAW.

I have not seen any lawsuit combine such far-reaching legal analysis with potential to be copied in other states. I believe the complaint arising from my false imprisonment and arrest in a Nov. 22, 2023, “traffic stop” has remarkable elements with huge nationwide potential. 

Among them:

➤ Bypassing qualified immunity. My complaint demanding two major reforms attempts to bypass the near ironclad shield cops, cities and counties have in running their programs of abuse and pillage. Qualified immunity lets wicked cops escape retribution because there is not a “well established” law or case to guide them in their actions. My case has solid groundwork I laid in 2018 and 2020 by way of administrative notice that denies them the claim they didn’t “know” they needed arrest warrants to arrest a traveler for a damaged taillight.

➤ Administrative notice plays key role. It remains to be seen if the court will recognize my administrative notice program starting in 2018 as altering the legal landscape in which 42 U.S.C 1983 civil rights lawsuits are filed. I am counting on administrative notice as. I put Hamilton County on detailed notice about warrantless arrest law it ignores, and on detailed administrative notice about limits in traffic enforcement authority. Because of notice, deputy Brandon Bennett, who arrested me, knew he had a duty to get an arrest warrant before seizing me for a damaged taillight. And he knew that a traffic stop has to have essential elements of commerce to be legal. I believe my suit leaves him and his employer defenseless.

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➤ Decriminalizing traffic stops. The case brings to court an absolutely fresh analysis bypassing “sovereign citizen” prejudice in federal courts. Traffic stops are necessarily civil and administrative because they are under state economic regulation through the imposition of privilege law on many occupations, including the calling and business of “operating a motor vehicle.” Key in my case: Elevating the uniform administrative procedures act as a neglected authority on his “traffic” wrongdoing is to be handled. The word “traffic” and “transportation” are synonyms. Traffic stops are violent, hated and destructive. 

➤ Ending “Redcoat” warrants under the 4th amendment. Hamilton County objects to my demand to end general warrants, forbidden in Tenn. Const. Art. 1, sect. 7, saying “the people shall be secure in their persons *** from unreasonable seizures; and that general warrants, whereby an officer may be commanded *** seize any person or persons not named, whose offences are not particularly described and supported by evidence, are dangerous to liberty, and ought not to be granted.” Americans fired a revolt against the English for “redcoat warrants.” The rejection of the warrantless arrest statute leads to tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of illegal arrests every year. This state has 18,000 licensed lawyers, and none of them have brought up this basic due process defense in a wrong that has operated decades against the citizenry without resistance. How is it a mere journalist sees things that no one else does?

➤ DOUBLE WHAMMY: Halt warrantless arrest to virtually end traffic stops. If it is by injunction, the injunction can be served on other cities and counties in Tennessee, and my theory of the case replicated elsewhere. If U.S. district court judge Travis McDonough agrees to issue injunction, I will ask help of people in other areas to take the order to serve on their city or county. This case could have a ripple effect, slashing arrest numbers by making arrest constitutional.

The Tulis v. Bennett case is just one. My other cases in demanding my work and your prayers and financial support:

I have four actions to knock down “Eye of Sauron,” an abuse of poor people and other insurance industry noncustomers in Tennessee revoked under color of the TN financial responsibility law of 1977. Two suits are in agency — in the department of revenue. One is in state court. The big one is in U.S. district court in Nashville. 

➤ Injunction demanded. In both federal and state case filed paperwork to get an injunction to halt the Eye of Sauron program. The motion is pending in federal, and is waylaid in the sate case.

➤ Case vs. 2 state commissioners being transferred. The state case to halt the financial responsibility fraud was denied by Hamilton County presiding judge Boyd Patterson, who convinced the TN supreme court to deny me access to the state’s new anticorruption court. This complaint on behalf of the state’s poor chewed up by the insurance scam is being transferred to Davidson County. The defendants are Cmsr. David Gerregano and safety Cmsr. Jeff Long. 

At stake: 40,800 false criminal convictions annually under a law targeting poor people who don’t have auto liability policies, a picture-perfect example of corporate capture of state government.

➤ Vampire lenders biting back. I have just filed a lengthy answer to TBF Financial, seeking dismissal of my lawsuit against it and two vampire lenders called MCAs, or merchant cash advance funders. Other defendants are Flexibility Capital and Lendini. I demand damages for violation of the TN usury law and a bar on their doing business in the state. In federal court in Chattanooga.

Your support

I would like to do law work fulltime, and be back in radio. I would need more of your support, and that of others, for this prospect to occur. My news radio business is on the sideline.

I am asking for the time to conduct these battles, for resources and financial support to help me cover my legal expenses. For example, I have a F$160 bill this weekend to hire 2 process servers in Nashville. I have been a radio journalist for 12 years, which I view as a Christian ministry. The radio business not paid me ever. The owner is always paid last. 

My ideal: Obtain several patrons who cover my living while I return to radio at least two hours a day and handle litigation in the public interest. Thank you for your prayers and consideration. 

You have responsibilities just like I do. Whatever it may be, we cannot as finite sinners calculate how God will use of works of mercy, whether we are seeking to help a single person, or tens of thousands. May God keep you, and thank you for your consideration.

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