Jeff Long, in blue robber gloves, serves troopers at a Tennessee highway patrol event at the department of safety and homeland security, of which he is commissioner. He refuses to send me the trucker carrier permit I am required by law to have, though Ihave sent him two F$50 checks. (Photo DOSHS)

My “Eye of Sauron” case in Tennessee claims that the state’s “financial responsibility” surveillance eyeball must operate not wide open (upon 100 percent of 6.34 million motorists), but through a pinhole (upon 3,000 high-risk drivers under suspension).


And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.

— Luke 10:9

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Friday, Oct. 4, 2024 — On Thursday I had an interview at the Lowe’s store in Hixson with manager Wendy Boran. It was the third time of applying for employment with that chain. “Thank you for your interest in the position of JR-01894741 Retail Sales – Part Time. *** [W]e have decided to proceed with other candidates [and] sincerely appreciate your interest in career opportunities.”

Since before my last Tulis Report show on NoogaRadio FM on March 8 I have been looking for work or, if no work is available, the federally regulated activity of employment.

Wilkins Micawber, a character in David Copperfield

I have persisted, as does Mr. Micawber in the Charles Dickens’ novel David Copperfield, hoping something will turn up. “I have no doubt I shall, please Heaven, begin to be more beforehand with the world, and to live in a perfectly new manner, if — in short, anything turns up.” 

1-man litigation engine

While Lowe’s “strongly encourages” me to “continue checking back in for new job opportunities,” I resolve to turn aside from this bid to find work.

I’ve been at it 232 days. Along this job-seeking corridor I meet only closed doors. I have applied to many, many law offices for paralegal or legal assistant work, to no avail. My starting interest in law began with reading the works of R.J. Rushdoony while living in Switzerland and working with reformer Jean-Marc Berthoud. Ever since reading The Institutes of Biblical Law (Craig Press, 890pp, 1973) I have read law and become a continuing analyst of its doings. Many people are not impressed.

Quick take —————

➤ Journalist turning fulltime to suing ‘the good people’

➤ A Christian ministry of grace and combat

An outstanding law office rejection is one faulting me for persistence and my belief in doing things personally. Try to read this missive from the lawyer’s perspective, and think that he may be right about my skills set.

Please allow this response to confirm that I have received your e-mail with resume, and I saw that you called my office twice today while I was at an appointment outside of my office.  I have not forgotten your contacts to my office the last time there was a job posting for an available position here.  The last time my office had a job posting, you called multiple times, frequently interrupting my work and/or my support staff.  You also came to my office in person, unannounced, without an appointment or invitation, expecting me to discuss this [job opening] with you.

Respectfully, I would like to save us both some time and effort.  As noted in the job posting you are asking about, my office needs someone with experience as a Legal Assistant or Paralegal.  Your extensive history of pro-se lawsuits and controversial podcasts does not meet those qualifications.

 Further, and more importantly, a very valuable part of my law practice involves representing POST Certified Law Enforcement Officers on a variety of legal matters in Tennessee and Georgia.  Your history of pro-se litigation and seemingly frivolous allegations against police officers is incompatible with my law practice and my personal values.  I would not be able to hire you at my office or work for me even if you were willing to work for free. 

 Since subtle cues apparently go unnoticed, I would respectfully and politely ask that you do not contact me or my staff again regarding this job opening.

This holster sniffer once again has a “paralegal needed” posting on Either he has more business, or a paralegal quit. 

‘Most humble man’

Today I consider my options of going full-bore on pending public interest lawsuits. To encourage me, I have a “thank you” from a working man whose criminal case I have covered as press member.

You are without a doubt the most genuine honest and humble man I have ever met. I have been extremely fortunate to spend the time that I did getting to know you. You have such a unique attitude and a heart that you do without, for the betterment of others. You have continued your fight on behalf of people in need without recognition for your bravery. Risking your freedom, by continuing to do so after threats of charges against you. If only there were a few more brave men who fear only God and stand strong for what is right, the world would be so much better. It has been an honor to call you a friend. I regret not doing more to help you in your mission. Stand strong as you have. God knows your heart and your mission is God’s grace. You are misunderstood and belittled by many. However, I am certain God has you on the top of the list for heaven’s rewards.

I am scheduled for sentencing in a few hours. I am expecting more of the same injustice that I have been seeing, but I am going to show up and hope that I deserve God’s grace to remain free. I have already been blessed much more than I deserve in my life and I am grateful for those blessings. In consideration of knowledge that so many much better men have been done much worse. I hope that if I am blessed with mere probation that I could find a fraction of the strength and courage that you possess to do as much for others as I can in the future. 

David Tulis is investigative reporter at what is now Eagle Radio Network, awaiting time to get back on the air with a regular report. He’s been playing rock hits while on break since March 8, 2024. (Photo NoogaRadio)

My plan of action

It’s October, the nation is in disorder, the governments in control of malefactors intent on destroying the country and depopulating her people, with loss of life not any cause for care.

Yet, I think it’s best for each of us to do what God ordains to be done. For me, I offer the following.

➤ Let me offer to pressure wash your house at a fair rate, with honesty and reliability.

➤ Get lawsuits filed that are due. 

  1. My suit against “The Guano,” or David Gerregano, commissioner of revenue, for his illegal and oppressive “mandatory insurance” program forcing people who register cars with the state to become customers of insurance companies. This complaint is 100 percent ready, and will go into federal court in the middle Tennessee district where I might get Judge Aleta Trauger, most likely to give me a fair hearing, one of four federal judges in Nashville. The complaint is 42pp, and ready for certified mail today. The focus of this case, already 14 months of “exhaustive” in-agency litigation, to quote Guano’s attorney Camille Cline, is over the tag of my 2000 Honda Odyssey minivan. In overthrowing this barbaric stripmine operation of the citizenry, I will get my revoked tag back.
  2. The commissioner is threatening to revoke the tag of a second car, my 1999 Toyota RAV4, with more than 300,000 miles on it (great car). This action gives me separate grounds for suit using Tennessee’s three-judge panel, a court especially intended to deal with governmental malfeasance and overreach. The special court hears cases that “(1) [c]hallenges the constitutionality of:

(A) A state statute, including a statute that apportions or redistricts state legislative or congressional districts;

(B) An executive order; or

(C) An administrative rule or regulation;

(2) Includes a claim for declaratory judgment or injunctive relief; and

(3) Is brought against the state, a state department or agency, or a state official acting in their official capacity. — Tenn. code ann. § 20-18-101.

A case meeting these three criteria will be heard, the judges drawn each from one of the state’s three grand divisions. I would file in circuit or chancery. If I file in chancery, I might get a top judge, Jeff Atherton, or a far lesser judge, Pamela Fleenor, responsible under state policy for 154,000 Covid jab deaths for whom no state actor is held to account. The supreme court names the judges to try the case.

3. My suit against Hamilton County, sheriff Austin Garrett and deputy Brandon Bennett for false imprisonment and false arrest Nov. 22, 2023. This case will be my most ambitious, seeking to end two major police power abuses statewide. The first is criminal traffic stops. The fact that traffic encounters with police are criminal rather than administrative is telling about the “American way,” which is one of threat, violence and injury.

Traffic stops are occupational privilege management. Let that sink in. “Traffic stops” are civil in nature, with every traffic stop defendant having a right to have his case heard administratively in agency, that being the department of safety and homeland security. There should be no arresting or jailing of anyone for “traffic” offense allegations.

The second abuse I will target in the Bennett case is general warrants. If that doesn’t mean anything to you, think of the concept of Redcoat warrants, where the British soldier and his red uniform scuffing his way down a cobblestone lane in Boston can arrest anyone at any time for cause without a warrant.

That is the regime under which we live in Tennessee right now, all local officials and all state officials accepting and participating in overthrow of constitutional protection. And we expect these local officials, under the doctrine of the lesser magistrate developed by Matt Trehella, to defend us against pillage and rapine out of Washington, D.C.?

  1. Two actions dealing with criminal procedure, aimed at bringing Hamilton County’s corrupt legal-industrial complex back within the bounds of constitutional government and statutory due process.
    ➤ On one hand, the grand jury system in Tennessee is 1/13th unconstitutional, and every indictment can be challenged on bias, prejudice and preference grounds.
    ➤ Secondarily, magistrates in Hamilton County run the “doggie door” arrest warrant system that generates many false imprisonments and false arrests, such as those of Tamela Grace Massengale, pallet recycler Shameka Burt and truck driver Michael James.
    ➤ Twice now I have sent safety commissioner Jeff Long letters of application and checks for $50 to request he give me the motor carrier permit required under Tenn. Code Ann. Title § 65, chapter 15, as I am not with my Class  D driver license given as exempt. My suit would be before the three-judge panel by way of a writ of mandamus, and force him to admit that private users of the roads don’t need licenses at all because they are not carriers and not subject to any motor vehicle laws on principle and under law. This case is possibly the most powerful of all to put commercical government back into its place after more than 100 years of abuse.

Why bother?

You might ask yourself, why does this man think he can make a difference on these arcane, complicated issues? God has given me an interest in legal precepts and justice, in terms of God’s law as revealed in the scriptures and also by way of men’s laws, many of which borrow heavily from godly concepts.

Fighting in court is how I help build the kingdom of God with righteous and just law administered once again by public officials. To ignore the public harms of public officials while I have full knowledge and standing to petition against them is to fail to do my part in establishing godly rule and God’s kingdom as He requires.

The Lord Jesus continually talks about the kingdom of God in the scriptures. 

“But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you” Luke 12:31. “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God” Mark 1:14. “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it” Matthew 21:43.

No, I don’t believe we bring in the kingdom of God by degrees by legislation or litigation. But if there are evils afoot, I love my neighbor as myself by restraining these evils at the mouth of the judge by making petition, as does the persistent widow in the parable.

If we make proper, intelligent appeal, the judge will yield to the law, despite yelping, snarling nation-killling evils and despair of the populace all around us. Support me at this link.

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