CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Feb. 13, 2023 – The Chattanooga police department is patting itself on the back for an example of successful “de-escalation” in publishing a video that shows it engages in a false imprisonment and false arrest and is quick to realize it cannot put a suspected crime victim into custody.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio Network
The salve and balm injected into the felony “traffic” stop of two black people (a woman and son, reportedly) is the officer’s saying he is sorry and giving the woman a hug and telling her he loves her. He had rushed up to her car window in the sendoff while she is still hanging out from it, her hands reaching for the sky, as she had been commanded after being treated as if she were a felon.
TV report on Newschannel9 about false arrest and imprisonment of boy
In a TV news report giving the CPD gloss to the encounter, “Chattanooga police say they’re offering transparency with the release of body camera footage showing what they call proper use of de-escalation policy in an incident that could have proven to be scary for the mother and minor involved.”
The video shows a white Kia pulled over upon a sidewalk adjacent to what looks like a series of apartment buildings. The officer jumps out, and from behind his door (aiming his pistol), bellows for the passenger to get out of the car, with hands raised and walk backward toward him.
A small figure in yellow hoodie steps out, backtracks toward the camera, the officer quickly joined by three other cruisers. A second officer handcuffs the boy. The officers ask him four times if he’s been shot or hit.
Within seconds, the officers uncuff him. The lead officer rushes up to the parked car, giving the mother a hug and saying he is sorry, but they must rush off to catch a shooter.
“Details of the traffic stop are being released in the interest of transparency and public interest,” a CPD press release states.
Police later find a white Kia with bullet holes, according to Newschannel9.
The department praises the officer for “de-escalation training [that] resulted in the expected outcome. *** [T]his officer knew how impactful such a stop could be and was careful to relay this information to the vehicle’s occupants.”
Chief Celeste Murphy is quoted as saying, “Since my arrival at the department, I’ve assured residents that we’re working to serve and protect this community and I’m proud to say that we were able to safely apprehend an individual involved in a violent encounter. Our officers work fervently to do the right thing, the right way and that’s exactly what occurred. Chattanooga residents can be assured of our commitment to them.”
The department has a long, long way to go toward returning to lawful activity constrained by law. Under what theory of law does CPD chase down victims of possible victims of a shooting with tactics reserved or an armed felon?
It is policy to violate the motor vehicle law routinely with ultra vires activity not in its authority, and to violate the warrant requirement under constitution and law for arresting people. To tout this encounter as a show of restraint and improved de-escalation training results is maddening because it overlooks the escalation.
Escalation — that comes from the cops.
A boy who is thought to be a shooting victim is pulled over, handcuffed, and questioned whether he has been shot at or shot. This is good community policing? This is an attempt to fog bomb the hearts of officers and the citizenry together in the same run?
Since when does such an armed felon-style arrest show restraint and respect for the rights of the innocent, for law and order?
I have placed the city under two administrative notices touching on traffic stops and arrests. It is high time that a cop is personally sued for false imprisonment and false arrest and, too, his employer, acting knowingly and intentionally, in bad faith and malice, hence in breach of the oppression statute.
If so-called black leaders care about such abuses by so-called “law enforcers,” they must do as I suggest. Consult actual law to bring gangland activity by uniformed and “sworn” servants of Mayor Tim Kelly under the constraint of state law, published English and easily available for review.
What about the crime?
False arrest is assault.
False imprisonment is kidnapping, seizure of the body. False is without Lawful cause.
These crimes have been ongoing for decades because they continue to go un-punished by criminal sanctions. When does the false arrest problem in Chattanooga become a problem for the folks that are doing it?