On Sept. 9, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee tweeted:
“For a fight that requires working together, a lot of cynical and divisive edicts came out of the White House today pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, businesses against employees, and the federal government against states.”
By John Anthony / Sustainable Freedom Lab
Sorry, Governor Lee, the government is in the “divisive” business and the only “together” they understand is your obedience. Despite your heroic Tweet, obedience is exactly what you gave them when you turned your back on health care workers, business owners, thousands of employees, and now our own National Guard members.
For a savvy business owner, your inability to distinguish between information and disinformation is numbing.
Gov. Bill Lee tweet:
“To be clear: the vaccine is the best tool we have to combat the pandemic, but heavy-handed mandates are the wrong approach.”
What on earth have you been reading for the past year? Sadly, your intelligence shortcomings are contributing to the division between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated and slammed the Biden jackboot squarely on the necks of all Tennesseans.
The only way to help the people of Tennessee is to learn the truth, unite people behind it, and defend your state from Washington DC, the common enemy spreading the disinformation.
We need a governor to fight for the people, not to sign compromised bills that seem to close the door on mandates, while hoping the courts will come to your rescue.
A year and a half ago there was little data, and we wanted to believe the vaccines worked.
Now we know better, and vested interests are viciously lashing out to cement their withering narrative.
All vaccine information must be suspect. Particularly that coming from the CDC, FDA, NIH, medical associations, legacy news outlets, social media technocrats, and any who stand to gain wealth, power, or political advantage. At least give some credibility to those with much to lose and whose only goals are honesty, unity, and freedom.
Basic facts about the jab
Here is a sourced Q&A format to help you understand the COVID vaccines today.
The Pfizer trials prove the mRNA vaccine is safe and effective, so why do people think they are unsafe?
The trials did not prove the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were particularly safe or effective because they were unexpectably cut short. When the FDA issued an EUA anyway, “safe and effective” became the accepted narrative and objections were labeled ‘misinformation’.
When portions of the trials results became publicly available it was apparent the drug was not as advertised.
The Phase 2 trial was terminated when Pfizer polluted the data.
— The safety and efficacy of the vaccine were not looking as robust as the public wanted, so Pfizer ended the 1-year study in less than 90 days by offering the vaccine to the control group. 1
Pfizer told the public one thing about deaths and the FDA another. 2
— Pfizer’s 6-month mRNA follow-up shows that 15 of those who took the vaccine died
— But Pfizer told the FDA that, during the same period, 21 died.
— Deaths were 24% higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. We will never know what caused the deaths because Pfizer only said the deaths were not “vaccine related” with poor explanation.
Trial information has been obscured from the public; processes compromised.
— The FDA wants the public to wait up to 55 years to slow walk FOIA trial information. 3
— Whistleblower researcher who did the testing for Pfizer revealed: 4
— Participants placed in a hallway after injection and not being monitored by clinical staff
— Lack of timely follow-up of patients who experienced adverse events
— Protocol deviations not being reported
— Vaccines not being stored at proper temperatures
— Mislabeled laboratory specimens, and
— Targeting of Ventavia staff for reporting these types of problems.
What proof is there that the Pfizer drug is not safe?
— The Vaccine Adverse Event System has reported more than 18,000 vaccine related deaths. The majority occur within 14 days of vaccination. 7
— In addition, Pfizer’s own trials for 5- 11-year-olds have already identified links between the vaccination and heart problems. (P33) 8
— UK data shows that your natural antibodies tend to be lower among those who acquiring infection after receiving 2 doses of the vaccine. This means the vaccines interfere with your body’s ability to build long term immunity. (P23)9
Didn’t the CDC explain that anyone can complete a VAERS report and found most of the deaths unrelated to the vaccines?
The CDC, despite numerous requests has never provided any evidence for their claim. The VAERS form indicates opposite appears true. 10
— VAERS filers must provide full identifying information.
— Filers are warned in bold: “Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.”
— Health workers are encouraged to complete the reports, but most have little time.
Extensive evidence shows VAERS only captures about 1% of adverse events.
A 2010 study by Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare,and a 2005 study of adverse reactions to vaccines show that VAERS only captures 1% of adverse effects. 11,12
A 2021 JAMA study of post-vaccine anaphylaxis and a report by the CDC, both using
VAERS data concluded this was a rare event of 2 to 5 persons per million.
But a March 2021 Mass General Brigham study of allergic reactions to the vaccines shows that VAERS underreported the actual events by 100X agreeing with the 2010 Pilgrim study. 13,14,15
VAERS data indicates most deaths reported to the system occur within 14 days of vaccination. Yet the CDC does not count persons as vaccinated until 14 days after the final recommended does which could be months. As a result the CDC dismisses the majority of vaccine related deaths by labeling them unvaccinated. 16,17
If anyone is misrepresenting vaccine related adverse effects it is the CDC.
What proof is there that the Pfizer drug does not reduce infections?
Pfizer’s studies indicate the vaccine’s effectiveness may wane over time. (P22 Par 1) 18
UK Vaccine Surveillance Reports are considered the gold standard of vaccine information. They show that infection rates have doubled for those vaccinated as opposed to the unvaccinated. 19,20
But aren’t the risks worth the benefits?
The Pfizer vaccine was designed to reduce symptoms, not reduce death or transmission. Most of the information claiming additional benefits often relates to brief periods, fails to adequately allow for study confounders, or otherwise severely compromised. For example:
A recent CDC study claimed the unvaccinated COVID recovered were 5X more likely to become hospitalized with COVID than the vaccinated. But the study was an embarrassment of procedural folly that conflicts with an Israeli research showing the vaccinated are 9X more likely to be COVID hospitalized than those with natural immunity from prior infection. 21,22
Both cannot be true.
Why the difference? The CDC stacked their study to gain a favorable vaccine outcome by using two dissimilar groups. One contained participants more likely to have COVID symptoms, but not the disease and the other participants more likely to have the disease and fewer similar symptoms that were not COVID.23
Even more embarrassing, the CDC admits, in spite of headlines, they have no proof that naturally immune people can spread the virus.24
This disinformation has been repeated in major news outlets and medical publications across the country. Why would the CDC be so blatantly misleading? More importantly, why do they think it will not be exposed?
— Research is beginning to show natural immunity not only offers broader protection it lasts longer than the vaccines and boosters. 25
— We now know that events such as anaphylaxis and death are not as rare as we were told.
— We know that by reducing symptoms the vaccines contribute to asymptomatic spread, a condition that rarely existed prior to the vaccinations. 26,27
— It is well documented that vaccine effectiveness drops below 50% after 6 months necessitating a potentially unending flow of boosters with little understanding of the long-term effects. 28,29,30
Finally, as new boosters are promoted, the FDA is sidestepping the important review panel, a process designed to protect the public. In the past, this panel has exposed vaccine information flaws and recommended against boosters. Now, the FDA says this step is unnecessary and that protective voice muted. 31,32
For months I have worked with groups attempting to get pro-vaccine health professionals to defend the vaccines and mandates in an open debate forum with opposing views where the public can discover the truth. Not one agency or person has been willing to defend the vaccines.
Scientifically, there is no justification for mass vaccinations. It is time for Gov. Lee and all governors to stop the federal government from steamrolling Americans into a failing and potentially dangerous COVID intervention.
- https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/02/19/969143015/long-term-studies-of-covid-19-vaccines-hurt-by-placebo-recipients-getting-immuni
- https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/more-people-died-in-the-key-clinical?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=email
- https://www.ntd.com/fda-asks-court-for-55-years-to-fully-release-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-data_703326.html
- https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635
- https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110475
- https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110475/suppl_file/nejmoa2110475_disclosures.pdf
- https://openvaers.com/covid-data
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/15_UnnsR8rO2UhomLy8CO4KH-eCy6IieW/view
- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1027511/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-42.pdf
- https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html
- https://openvaers.com/images/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-20116.pdf
- https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/30/adverse-reactions-varicella-vaccination-are-grossly-under-reported
- https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2776557
- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html
- https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777417
- https://openvaers.com/covid-data
- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html
- https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccine-weekly-surveillance-reports
- https://dailysceptic.org/2021/10/23/infection-rates-for-vaccinated-aged-40-79-hit-double-the-rates-in-the-unvaccinated/
- https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7044e1.htm
- https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1.full
- https://sustainablefreedomlab.org/2021/11/05/cdcs-tortured-study-claims-vaccines-superior-to-natural-immunity/
- https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/cdc-admits-crushing-rights-of-naturally
- https://brownstone.org/articles/79-research-studies-affirm-naturally-acquired-immunity-to-covid-19-documented-linked-and-quoted/
- https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777417
- https://openvaers.com/covid-data
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/effectiveness-of-2-of-3-covid-19-vaccines-used-in-us-drops-below-50-percent-study_4090442.html
- https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm0620
- https://ntdca.com/herd-immunity-against-covid-19-may-not-be-possible-cdc/
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_morningbrief/fda-to-decide-on-pfizer-booster-shots-without-hearing-from-expert-panel-that-rejected-earlier-bid_4109181.html
- https://www.theepochtimes.com/fda-panel-votes-16-3-against-approving-pfizer-covid-19-booster-shots_4002895.html
Resource links
Find a COVID doctor:* NEW! Comprehensive list of treatments, doctors and information on COVID, Ivermectin, and Hydroxychloroquine: https://c19protocols.com/ If you have contracted COVID-19 or think you have you can contact a doctor who can help here: https://earlycovidcare.org/find-a-doctor/ For prevention and early treatment of COVID: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf The Zelenko Protocol:vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol |
Report Forms for Employee and Student COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: https://home.solari.com/forms/ |
Of course, and Bill Lee has taken on “divide and conquer” as a job that he has been bought and paid for by the District of Columbia to do here within the Tennessee Republic. As a matter of fact, he claims to be vested with power and authority by the Federal Constitution.
To impose those edicts upon the “persons” of Tennessee.
Must be federal, since the Tennessee Constitution forbids those activities specifically.
As far as his claim to Sovereign Immunity, we might remind him that there is no King in the Republic of Tennessee, where ALL power is inherent to the People.
Corporations and governments are nothing more than trusts created for the benefit of the owners of the trust and their employees. These corporations through their agents and employees have stolen the sovereignty of the people and then granted to themselves the right to plunder the people by using extortion and brute threat of force along with the color of law. This is unlawful and immoral as well as ludicrous and criminal.
Capitis diminutio maxima means maximum loss of status in Latin. The people have been turned into the surety for these corporations debts and the use of all capital letter names such as JOHN LECKRONE are how people’s rights are stolen. There are only 6 things an all capital letter name can be and they are as follows.
1. The name of a ship.
2. The name of a corporation.
3. A dead body.
4. A slave.
5. The title to a cestui que vie trust.
6. A trademark or logo.
In these maritime admiralty constructive contract and racketeering fraud kangaroo courts the people are looked at as being all six as they are being administered for profit by agents with BAR cards.
The cloak of sovereign immunity is lost through criminal actions and abuse of discretion by those employed by these corporations. For far too long sovereign immunity has been used to commit a multitude of crimes. Below is a list of many of the crimes and trespasses but it is in no way complete.
1. Self interested deceit.
2. Fraud.
3. Constructive Fraud.
4. Malfeasance.
5. Misfeasance
6. Nonfeasance
7. Felony breach of trust
8. Threat and duress.
9. Terrorism.
10. Unlawful conversion.
11. Theft by unlawful taking or disposition.
12. Breach of international treaties.
13. War privateering.
14. Press ganging.
15. Inland piracy.
16. Enslavement.
17. Peonage.
18. Conscription under force.
19. Racketeering.
20. Usurpation.
21. Identity theft.
22. False imprisonment.
23. Extortion under color of law.
24. Extortion under threat and duress.
25. Human trafficking.
26. heinous crimes.
27. Armed robbery.
28. Accessory to armed robbery.
29. Kidnapping.
30. Aggravated kidnapping.
31. Using mail to extort.
32. Fraudulent conveyance of language.
33. Reckless indifference resulting in mental anguish.
34. Bringing private law into the public.
35. Emotional abuse.
36. Abuse of office.
37. Malicious prosecution.
38. Prosecutorial misconduct.
39. Unlawfully claiming power of attorney.
40. Personage.
41. Barratry.
42. Refusal to address valid claims.
43. Commercial feudalism.
44. Fraudulent contracting.
45. Violation of homestead act.
46. Reckless endangerment.
47. Stalking.
48. Harassment.
49. Kidnapping.
50. Held for ransom.
51. Using contract law when people are owed a common law court of record.
52. Bringing false complaints for a fictitious plaintiff.
53. Treason against lawful government.
54. Breach of peace.
55. conspiracy against rights.
56. Domestic terrorism.
57. Using a bill of attainder.
58. The BAR is a closed union shop which is a monopoly.
59. Violation of judicial canons.
60. Failure to produce a public hazard bond.
61. Violation of due process.
62. Murder.
63. Manslaughter.
64. Deprivation of rights under the color of law.
65. Practicing law from the bench.
66. Lying under oath.
67. Having no oath of office.
68. Breach of oath.
69. False arrest.
70. Drug trafficking.
71. Chemical warfare via vaccines, chemtrails and fluoride.
72. Breaking and entering.
73. Criminal trespassing.
74. Assault with a deadly weapon.
75. Jury tampering.
76. Witness tampering.
77. Presumptions with no evidence.
78. Bribery.
79. Semantic deceit.
80. Warrantless arrest
81. Extrinsic fraud.
82. Fraud upon the court.
83. Fraud of process.
84. Usufruct.
85. Intrinsic fraud.
86. Slander.
87. Libel.
88. Defamation of character.
89. Alienation of affection.
90. Fraudulent concealment.
91. Prejudice.
92. Hearsay evidence permitted.
93. Assumes facts not in evidence.
94. Official oppression.
95. Aggravated perjury.
96. Misappropriation of public funds.
97. Using petit juries.
98. Practicing without a license. BAR cards are simply union dues cards.
99. Abuse of prosecutorial discretion.
100. Ex parte, which is behind the scenes agreements where not all parties are invited.
101. Inability to video or audio court cases where crimes are committed.
102. Bribery.
103. Kickbacks.
104. Conspiracy to defraud.
105. Misuse of alter ego.
106. Unbonded summary process.
107. Prison bonds where all court cases get CUSIP numbers.
108. Criminal possession of a forged instrument.
109. Intimidating a participant in a legal process via contempt of court threats.
110. Retaliating against a participant in a legal process via contempt of court.
111. Criminal mischief.
112. Receiving stolen property.
113. Criminal conspiracy.
114. Wanton endangerment.
115. Tampering with physical evidence.
116. Complicity.
117. Knowingly exploit adult by person.
118. Fraudulent use of social security numbers.
119. Legal abuse.
120. Discrimination.
121. Denial of due process.
122. Tax evasion.
123. Abuse of plenary power.
124. Invasion of privacy.
125. Conflict of interest.
126. Practicing medicine without a license when doing a competency assessment.
127. Impersonating a public servant.
128. Forcing council to be a member of the BAR.
129. Entrapment.
130. Emoluments salary and fees from employment of office.
131. Collection of unlawful debts.
132. Violation of the Lieber code.
133. Respecting of persons.
134. Unconscionable contracting.
The benefits of being a free range tax slave to be exploited are miniscule for most people who would rather be free if told the truth and given the choice.
A complaint is not a lawful claim filed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Legal tender does not lawfully discharge debts. There must be value given for value.
The claimant has status and standing as it is his equity and his private property in the form of unalienable rights and valuable life force that is being unlawfully stolen. All parties reading this document should consider all of the claimants efforts to be a replevin action.
A piece of paper in the form of a corporate charter is a dead thing and cannot move a court or make a complaint or file a claim. Only a living man or woman may do so. This is a fraud upon the people. When corporations were given the status of PERSONS this created the opportunity for criminals with BAR cards to attack the people under the color of law. A piece of paper cannot be a harmed party nor can it make a contract. To imply that it can is ludicrous.
The Erie Railroad decision attempted to hide the people’s right to remedy through a common law court of record. Common law courts of record were replaced with courts of equity which are private for profit contract law banking courts evidenced by the gold fringed flags. This has been a windfall for the agents of these equity courts who have imposed their private contracts onto the people for the purpose of pillaging their estates.