A postal clerk readies two motions for filings in the case State of Tennessee ex rel David Jonathan Tulis, seeking to overturn the CV-19 tyranny in Tennessee, and today 61 days in motion in chancery court, Hamilton County. (Photo David Tulis)I prepare default filings against Gov. Bill Lee and a local health officials, which are on Dec. 2 denied in chancery court, whose judge, Pamela Fleenor, is willing to give lawbreakers and scofflaws in office more time to “answer” my findings of fact and law. (Photo David Tulis)
Chancery court judge Pamela Fleenor denies a petition in open court that she cast off her chin diaper because the court rules about demeanor cannot operate if her face is hidden and because wearing a chin diaper shows she is predisposed to Gov. Bill Lee and health administrator Becky Barnes, whom I am seeking to be forced into compliance with Tenn. Code Ann. 68-5-104, the health law, as they run their Covid-19 panic project and destroying the state’s liberties and economy.
She also rejects my insistence that I be free to lay aside my scarf from off my chin, lips and nose — she does so curtly. Both are appealable objections and suggest her strpng prejudice, bias, favor and partiality in the case State of Tennessee ex rel David Jonathan Tulis v. Bill Lee, governor, et al.
Pam Fleenor, chancery judge
Rights of conscience matter not apart from constitutional government — that she is overturning in her role protecting the massive assault on our liberties, the massive fraud that is the CV-19 crisis starting in Tennessee March 12, 2020.
As a Christian, I cannot wear chin diapers, and wear one in this court building only for love and care of others, whose innocency and harmlessness I defend, though I am compromised and coerced by the tyranny of the court of equity in my hometown and my home county.
Here is my affidavit of religious beliefs, denied by Judge Pamela Fleenor, a member at Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church in Tennessee. But the document was filed during the hearing Dec. 2, 2020, in Hamilton County chancery, and is part of the record on appeal.
David Tulis religious beliefs on masks
Comes now, David Jonathan Tulis, of 10520 Brickhill Lane, Soddy-Daisy, Hamilton County, Tenn., being of sound mind and body, declaring the following facts true and correct to the best of my firsthand knowledge, as follows:
I believe “that all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience. . . that no human authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience,” as it says in the Tennessee bill of rights; and
I have a sincerely held and deeply religious belief that I am created in the likeness and image of God. (Genesis 1:26, 27); and
That I am commanded in Scripture to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4); and
That God expects me to serve Him with an “open face,” (2 Corinthians 3:18). My face is my personal identity and is essential to the performance of my duty to my God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and
I believe that mask wearing is an evil, demonic occult initiation ritual and is contrary to the truth of God’s word and the principles and practice of righteousness and godliness required of the children of God; and
That, for religious reasons, I hereby attest that I exercise my right of conscience and not wear a face covering/mask as “We ought to obey God rather than men,” (Acts 5:29); and
It has long been established that the loss of constitutional freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury. Elrod v. Burns, 427 U.S. 347, 373 (1976);
I am not a patient with a communicable disease under a lawful order in mitigation, or who might be subject to any action of a public health authority, or for purposes of public health emergency, if lawfully invoked;
Any mitigation measure, including wearing a mask, is harmful to me and is an unlawful restraint on my liberties without lawful warrant in law or fact.
The Tulis Report is 1 p.m. weekdays, live and lococentric.
David Tulis reports for Eagle Radio Network and on DavidTulis.Substack.com, covering local economy and free markets in Chattanooga and beyond. Nothing here is legal advice; if you want legal advice, find a law firm downtown or on another planet — where the law actually matters.
Very bizarre that the writer claims to believe wearing a mask is evil/demonic and yet he acquiesces to said evil and demonic practice. Obviously not a deeply held religious belief.
Very bizarre that the writer claims to believe wearing a mask is evil/demonic and yet he acquiesces to said evil and demonic practice. Obviously not a deeply held religious belief.