In looking into the legal complexities surrounding traffic enforcement reform, I sometimes lose sight of my main goal.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
My purpose is driven by two compelling ideas, one racial reconciliation in favor of African-Americans, and secondly a return to law and order by the officials who oversee the government.
In the past few days I have looked at highly theoretical legal possibilities that suggest a way to overturn the state’s system of transportation law enforcement, AKA traffic stops.
The idea basically is to thwart the entire system and cause systemic collapse by forcing officials to obey the jot and tittle of their law, effectively nailing their tongues to the table, doing what long oppressed businessman Arthur J. Hirsch says is making them be “hung by the tongue.”
In the past weeks I have been examining authority for Tennessee highway patrol, police departments and sheriff’s departments. On the part of these 3 groups are persistent violations of law in violation of our constitutional rights. If these comments seem like gibberish, just click this link to read into what might be called the Bukovsky method of reform.
Ending oppression of poor
But I don’t want to forget my goal is to end Jim-Crow first in my hometown, Chattanooga, and then my home county Hamilton, then across Tennessee as my idea takes hold and works its way into the courts.
My purpose was clarified and strongly reoriented by a book. The book is The Problem of Slavery in Christian America by Joel McDurmon.
It converted me from a “noble cause,” agrarian-oriented pro-Southern pro-Confederacy pro-“fight the damn Yankees” American to a person who believes that Christian rebuilding and Christian reconstruction needs to start with racial reconciliation and personally delivered race reparations by Caucasians to African-Americans.
In my case, the work is intellectual and spiritual and based in a long life of research in the law and in the marketplace. My wealth is not in money or influence, but in a fair understanding of law and legal principles and a love of liberty. This wealth, I propose, be put to service of Christian rebuilding generally among God’s people and police-state victims specifically among minorities and the poor.
I spent most of my adult life defending liberty and constitutional government and am equipped with much legal reading to provide means for support of those seeking to deflect the police state and racist policing in Tennessee and elsewhere.
I believe bottom-up reform works in stopping ultra vires, illegal, extra-statutory and constitutional police activity and return the police function to peacekeeping and reduce its role in law enforcement.
Peacekeeping is the common law function and its main concept is the thwarting of public offenses. Policing today is statutory enforcement and revenue collection and surveillance. That is quite different from the larger and more pacific function of suppressing “public offenses.” The public offense definition is widely ignored by cops and deputies, and in Hamilton County has been reinterpreted to mean “any crime.”
But peacekeeping suppresses not crime, put “public offenses,” a certain type of crime that is in the nature of a threat to the breach of the peace, or an actual public disorder with an element of threat, danger, violence and intimidation to the public.
This material on public offenses vs. crime is developed extensively in my brief on this website. Just search for the term public offense to read more.