It is my dream that Christian people in Chattanooga would form a private high school for minority teenagers who would learn law, constitution, public speaking and free market economics.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
Such a school has been created in Nashville and its founder, Tracy Boyd Jr. gives me an interview today about his work.
I call for young African-American men, especially with a gang connection or past, to study law as a means of empowering themselves and having a stake in law itself, which is to say, in capitalism, marketplace, property, inheritance and prospect.
This argument is developed in a paper, “By teaching rights vs. cops, city wins gang recruits to civil order, capitalism.”
The University School of Law and Leadership meets at Saint James Baptist church in northern Nashville. It intends to provide students with basic courses, but with a particular focus on constitution, law common procedure and legal history.
It started by serving students in 7th and 8th grades. Enrollment is through April 15. “We’re establishing The University School of Law & Leadership to meet an overwhelming demand in the community for a school serving bright at promise students, allowing young people to develop a positive attitude towards the law and reduce juvenile delinquency.”
The founders say they envision a “strong academic education” given in conjunction with “an in-depth study of law enforcement and the American criminal Justice system. It’s our goal to close the gaps in opportunity and achievement that consign far too many young people — especially those from low-income families or who are Black, Latino, or American Indian — to lives on the margins of the American mainstream.”
My view is that any such school should start with tactics of self-defense and how to assert one’s rights streetside, sidewalk-side, at the front door of one’s house, and in lower level courts.
It should focus on traffic stops, authority for traffic stops, procedures among cops, training materials cops use, legal presumptions under which cops operate, the difference between travel and transportation pursuant to my work on Titles 55 and 65, key rulings on travel such as Gonzales and Raspberry, Miranda warnings, jurisdiction, searches, search warrants, the elements of probable cause, the essential elements required in police reports and other charging instruments, proper respect and rebuff of causeless encounters, and other on-the-ground uses of law.
These courses should be immediately practical for daily use, with use and practice encouraged. They should teach young people the great power of being a belligerent claimant in person.
“The ultimate goal of the school is to provide students with a sense of belonging in society through empowerment and knowledge of the law”, says Mr. Boyd.