Jan Bontekoe, a homeschool mom and activities director for CSTHEA has these suggestions for children while schools are suspended for Covid-19:
Ideas for families during the suspension of school and activities:
• Visit the library before they close today (3/13) and find books to read and listen to
• Kids want and need a schedule and purpose.
o Take time to prepare a schedule for the next few days
o Make chores a game and give fun awards
o Let them feel the satisfaction of helping around the house
o Teach a new skill – sew on a button, hand stitch, bake cookies or help prepare a meal
• Limit screen time – pull out those board and card games – make up your own rules!
• Write cards and letters to family or shut ins in our area nursing homes.
• Build a blanket fort, pop popcorn and watch a new to you movie
• Take a driving tour. Pack a lunch and take a short drive. The Battlefields and check out the monuments. Foster Falls, Fall Creek Falls are other nearby places to visit. Drive the Cherohala Skyway.
• Get outside! Take a walk or a hike, jump rope, ride bikes, climb and run. See nature at it’s best as Spring on folds around you.
• Take time to focus in on your child’s current interest. Do a project or research on what they are interested in. Learn to draw, write a book, or play with clay. Google and Youtube can help you find instructions for many crafts. Simple origami can be a great past time.
• If you are struggling with child care because of your job, see if you can find a trusted friend to trade childcare with. If you are struggling to feed your child, there are some great people in our community stepping up to help you. NY Pizza Department in Hixson is stepping up to help and there are others as well.
• If you need help please reach out to someone! You are not alone in this time. Neighbors will help neighbors. We are praying for all of you to be able to choose joy and gratitude and operate out of hope and faith.