Brainerd Hills Presbyterian church is on East Brainerd Road in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis)
Under Tennessee law, a parent who does not wish to have vaccines for a child can obtain a religious exemption. This is a signed and written statement by the parent, citing those beliefs against vaccination that are religious in nature. The general rule and the exemption provision are at Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-6-5001, easily available online (just Google Tennessee Code Annotated).
In a separate post I explain how the letter of exemption must be “religious,” and how that a Christian can affirm his religious objection to vaccination as a peril.
Dealing with a son seeking to attend University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I obtained the following letter in support of our exemption letter, a text by Gary Roop, pastor at Brainerd Hills Presbyterian Church, where my family had been member.

Here is a reformed minister’s letter regarding assisting my efforts to obtain exemption from Tennessee’s compulsory vaccination statute (religious exemption)
Pastor’s letter supports parents religious exemption against vaccines
Pastor’s letter supports parents religious exemption against vaccines