A backhoe strips old tarmac from the street in front of the Chattanooga News Chronicle on M.L. King Boulevard in Chattanooga in the same way transportation administrative notice strips from the roadway an encrustation of noxious police practices working against the pre-1938 liberties of traveling Tennesseans. G’s Detroit Sausages shares the building.
I sense a growing excitement among people considering our labor of transportation administrative notice. On Friday I was having a delicious hot dog lunch at G’s Detroit Sausages on Martin Luther King Boulevard when in came Adrian Edwards, the editor and publisher of Chattanooga News-Chronicle. He handed me three copies of that day’s edition containing one of my texts.
He sat down and we discussed the problem of police abuse of his people (and mine) through the transportation law. Mr. Edwards has seen numerous videos on YouTube about people insisting they have a right to travel and not to be involved in transportation as licensees. I wasn’t telling him anything new about the distinction between travel and transportation. He knows exactly what I’m talking about. He seems excited about the implications of liberty and freedom if the system can be reformed.
A reform will focus police and sheriff deputy attention only on commercial operators trucking lines, cabs, couriers and the like.
Meanwhile, the Gnome of Strawberry Plains, Tenn., a longtime student of constitutional rights, offers harsh words for the state’s revenue collection system that operates against people who are not involved in a revenue-taxable, regulable or for-profit activity or profession. John Ballinger is a carpenter whom I’d heard about as a graduate student at UT, a legendary and mysterious commoner always in the law library, one who had solutions for people in all kinds of dilemmas, whether with the IRS or a custody battle. — DJT
By John Ballinger

John Ballinger is the Gnome of Strawberry Plains, Tenn., a handyman who studies law. (Photo David Tulis)
Folks, the cat is out of the bag. For all you people that have been raped by governmental expediency, by so-called drivers license racket, it is now or never.
All you people who have been robbed by the government of hundreds and thousands of dollars, thrown in jail, robbed of your right to travel as a private individual and denied your constitutional enumerated rights and any other way you have been harmed by this administrative fraud called the driver license racket — take a stand for your rights.
You have a common law right to travel as a private individual.
And it is backed up by the state’s constitution. See article 11 section 16 of our 1870 constitution. The driver license for all is a shortcut round the law for the government, a racket, but it is like everything else the people let the government get by with. The government has run it into the ground, and abused it and the people to the point that it has become a fraud and a money racketeering, mafia-style criminal evil enterprise.
Like the Holy Bible says: The love of money is the root of all evil. It is a money, money, money racket.
There is a lawful way for the government to regulate and control use of the roads and the traveling people, but to regulate only within the limits of the law would reduce a big source of revenue.
Common law would come down hard on the people that abuse their right to travel, but eventually it would make the highways and roads a lot safer. Again, this is not legal advice and I am not a licensed lawyer.
God forbid that I would ever become one. If it was not for their (money, money, money)
high fees and for fraud and legal fictions in the legal profession, a lot of lawyers would be out of business.
Read the book, Woe unto you, Lawyers! by Yale University law professor Fred Rodell, 1957, if you want to know about the law profession. A lawyer with integrity, honesty and truthfulness and a right sense of justice is a honorable person.
In today’s world, you take your life into your own hands on the roads and highways because of the administrative law racket the government uses to regulate the highways, road traffic and travelers.
It is designed as a money racket and not so much for safety. Administrative law cannot be used to deny an individual’s rights enumerated in the highest law of this state. If you are exercise a constitutional right, nobody operating purely in the realm of administrative law can compel you into an obedience.
Administrative Notice as PDF, 20pp
Notice to Hammond: Reform required even though Haslam, judges, legislators opposed
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Might we work together, dear reverend, to abolish this roadside human trafficking?
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