Constitution-loving Tennesseans salute the U.S. flag at the bill of rights dinner December 2016. June Griffin, Southeast Tennessee’s matriarch of the constitution, is at center, top photo, in Dayton, Tenn. (Photo David Tulis)
Enjoy fellowship and a hot meal on Dec. 15 in Dayton at the 16th Bill of Rights dinner organized by a prominent defender of constitutional government, June Griffin.
Mrs. Griffin says the speaker is a surprise, but in past events several people have addressed the host on points about constitutional liberty and the need for people to resist and replace the lawless state with a humbler, more obedient steward of the public trust.
By David Tulis / Noogaradio 92.7
The event promises to be a sober one, with word about trials and troubles in Tennessee against despotic officials and careless jurists. It will be held at 5:30 p.m. in Dayton, Tenn. at the Rhea Welcome Center at 107 Main St. in Dayton. The admission is F$25 per person.
I hope to attend, and look forward to seeing you at my table.
“If you have ever attended,” Mrs. Griffin says, “you have found it a place where real patriots gather around a wonderful meal and hear a guest speaker which will inspire you to hold fast to our rights which have been neglected by a vicious legal system.
“They had told us that patriotism was dead and that Internationalism had eclipsed our heritage, but they are wrong. The last few months have proven that patriotism elected the president and that refusing to acknowledge the National Anthem is costing the entertainment world billions of dollars in loss of sales and attendance. We are winning and it is time to knuckle down and reassert our rights once more.”
Secure your reservation by sending this form and a check made out to:
J. B. Griffin for $25 per person to:
The Griffins
265 Crestview
Dayton, TN 37321
Please tell Mrs. Griffin the number of guests, their names and your phone number.
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