This dunning letter purports to seek compensation from someone who is photographed having run a stop light. (Photo Andy Holt)

Rep. Andy Holt says traffic tickets not personally delivered by an officer are unconstitutional and unenforceable. (Photo Guns.com)
If you happen to be one of the countless people who have received one of these in the mail over the last couple of days, please deposit this worthless piece of paper in the trash where it belongs.
By Rep. Andy Holt
Some of the reports that I have heard from people today indicate that these societal maggots [the camera companies & the municipalities who use them] are attempting to collect photo-enforcement tickets from 5 years ago — well, you didn’t pay it then, so don’t pay it now & don’t pay it EVER!
Just to be clear, nonpayment of these citations WILL NOT impact your credit score, driver’s license points or insurance rates. Don’t pay them!
As I close, I would like to take the liberty of shaming the greedy municipalities who utilize this underhanded, lazy, pathetic & ridiculous form of highway robbery.
If you are a complicit mayor, a city councilman who has opted not to end the use of these devices, or a sympathizer of either of the two aforementioned categories, then you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself — you are actively advocating the use of process that flies in the face of the U.S. Justice System & the U.S. Constitution. If you live in a town where these devices are used, its time to clean house, politically speaking.
I take calls every week from people who can’t afford to buy food and/or medicine & you’re threatening them with this pathetic piece of carefully worded paper — you are a bunch of lazy & near-worthless cowards. I mean that with all sincerity.
I am trying my best to #BanTheCam, but I need your help! Tag your legislators, mayors, city councilman & any others that need to hear your thoughts on this topic. I’m tired of fighting this corruption alone — it’s time for some others to stand up & fight.
Please SHARE this message so that as many people as possible can recognize that this process is nothing more than a legalized (unfortunately) racket that is being conducted by these greedy little towns for far too long.
Love y’all & Merry Christmas, except to the Scrooges & Grinches begins this scam,
Rep. Andy Holt
How can Pinkston prosecute without meeting 3 requirements for standing?
What to do when you get a camera-generated traffic ticket letter