David Tulis explains what’s wrong with the disorderly conduct statute and police officers’ use of it in a Facebook video today.
My talk show on AM 1245 Hot News Talk Radio returns to the air Monday with an attack on an evil practice in Chattanooga — upon a statute that has ensnared people who have done nothing wrong and upon Chattanooga police officers who perjure themselves in making use of that statute.
By David Tulis / AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio
We have examined in detail the Hanson Melvin case here in Chattanooga. On Monday we will examine second case like that of Mr. Melvin.
The David Tulis show is weekdays 9 to 11 a.m. on the hottest media platform in Chattanooga, which includes this website. The show will introduce you to a victim of routine policing. She is a victim of perjury, of an intentional violation of the Tennessee oppression statute and of a violation by an officer of the Tennessee civil rights protection act.
Blowout opening show
Even worse, she was accosted and arrested without the officers’ having probable cause, which is essential for there to be any state action against an individual.
In God’s good providence, and apart from any help I was able to render this woman, the Hamilton County grand jury on Wednesday issued a “no true bill” on the misdemeanor charge against her.
The disorderly conduct statute at TCA 3917 305 is unconstitutionally vague. It’s impermissibly vague because it is impossible for a citizen to know when he has breached the statute and how to avoid a violation. It is impossible for a citizen to know how to obey it in the course of ordinary life, movement and conversation. Because the statute doesn’t create clear parameters of forbidden activities and behavior, the high court must be given a chance to strike it.
As far as I know, the public defender’s office in Hamilton County led by Steve Smith has not sought to overturn the statute. The district attorney’s office, led by Neal Pinkston, routinely prosecutes people under it.
Area’s largest pen
My return to the talk format makes me again the writer in southeast Tennessee with the largest pen. My pen by God’s Providence is a 180 foot radio station tower in Soddy-Daisy what emits a 1,000 AM signal. The show ran nearly four years, but I have been off the air five months.
Chattanooga faces a very difficult time just ahead. The national economy is in a bubble, the evidence of which we can see all around us in the extravagant building projects in Hamilton County. A collapse is just ahead. It’s between six days and six years out.
I hope as a Christian man, a free-market journalist, as entrepreneur and a deacon in the Presbyterian Church of America to use my writing and talks skills to help you my reader here at Nooganomics.com.
I would be very grateful if you would promote my website, share my website on Facebook and seek to further readership of my essays here. I would also be very appreciative if you would tune in to AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio.
High tech at your service
We use the latest technology to get out my arguments and the claims of others such as Sean Hannity. That includes live programming on YouTube, the live airings of all programs on Facebook, the use of Twitter, Instagram and TuneIn Radio, a smartphone app.
You can hear all of our shows all the time, especially my very best for immediate interpretation and discussion of events. My job is to encourage people and make them practical and give them means to evaluate the disaster ahead.
Silence before crash
We have a political and economic disaster ahead because there has been a disaster in the House of God, decades in the making. The collapse that will fill the newscasts is not just economic, but the practical collapse of a deity — the progressive god of the modern state. God is letting Christians in the U.S. deal with the consequences of their rejection of His government, His sovereignty and His law in exchange for subjectivism and touchy-feely emotions all to be savored before Christ’s imminent return maybe in November.
The progressive god has worn itself out and is at its end. It is under judgment of God, and all those who worship it and expect it to save them from earthly peril are due for a great disappointment and great poverty.