Shocking images of slain babies and other people are the primary argument of Center for Bioethical Reform in Knoxville. (Photo Center for Bioethical Reform)

Prolife volunteer Debbie Picarello wants images of slain babies to shock the consciences of Tennesseans. (Photo Center for Bioethical Reform)

Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., was hostile to the visual presentations of a prolife group, whose display sparks intense conversations about the killing of babies. (Photo Center for Bioethical Reform)
By Kendra Wright
At Tennessee Tech, a Middle Eastern student told me that he is Muslim and in his country, killing the unborn is just like killing a born person. But he knew very little about abortion.
He was very shocked to hear that 1.2 million die every year in this country from abortion.
He asked why people get abortions and if “not wanting” the child is a frequent justification. I confirmed that this is often the case.
I started explaining the difference between a wanted child and an unwanted child. If a child is wanted, we call it a baby. If it is unwanted, we call it a clump of cells.
He was shocked. “A clump of cells?!”
He could see right away that a baby is not just a clump of cells and calling it such is ridiculous.
Kendra Wright is a Center for Bioethical Reform project director. CBR has a Knoxville chapter and a blog.