By David Tulis
Chattanoogans were given a bit of a fumigation this week by high-altitude jets creating what appear to be policy skies that are part of the war on global warming. The intentional pollution is fitted into the framework of weather modification and is referred to as “negative emissions.”
The skies over Southeast Tennessee already had been treated six days this month — Aug. 2, 3, 7, 8, 13 and 16.
This weekend’s coverage I count as days No. 7 and 8.
I was camping Friday (Aug. 21) in Hixson with several Trail Life USA dads and sons. Much of the day, skies were streaked with plumes that are evidence of strategic aerosol geoengineering, or SAG. The sound of jets was almost constant during the early evening, the aircraft mostly hidden above scattered cloud cover.
Not all jets emitted trails. Two jets heading northwest passed overhead within 15 minutes of each. If they indeed were tanker jets that emit tons of metallic aerosols, they were perhaps heading home empty. Without computer, an online connection or a smartphone jet traffic app, I was not able to determine whether the aircraft had self-identifying transponders.
Often, SAG program jets have no transponders registered with the FAA, making the jets visible via tracking websites such as
Widespread environmental activity
Chattanooga was not the only jet whose skies were targeted during the two days. According to observers and published photos, Nashville, Knoxville and Bristol were treated to hazed-out skies typical of geoengineering.
“If my truck smoked this much on the road,” says Brian Mac, a musician and sky watcher, “do you think I’d be pulled over and ticketed? These pictures were taken on and around Briley Parkway in West Nashville, looking north toward downtown at 9 a.m.” One of his photos is nearby.

A jet emission unfurls its particulate material. Aluminum, strontium and barium are understood to be the main ingredients of solar radiation management. (Photo Facebook)

The sky over my house Saturday has straight lines, indicating human involvement with the weather. Later in the day, a sharp storm hit the city. (Photo David Tulis)

Sky stripes slowly are converted into muzzy cloud cover over Bristol, Tenn., Aug. 21. (Photo Geoengineering our Tennessee Skies on Facebook)

If examined closely, some jets emit a full-wing spray, as does this one. Metal content helps create rainbow effects. Often, though, nozzles are aligned with jet engines and make detection from below more difficult. (Photo Stacy Smith)

Stop-start trails suggest that sky stripes aren’t mere water vapor contrails, created by air moisture and engine heat. They are deliberate policy emissions serving various purposes such as weather control and sun dimming. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

Sky stripes are poisoning the air of people beneath their fallout, as among those folks here in San Jose, Calif. (Photo Shawn Morpheus on Facebook)

Sky striping is a global phenomenon. Here, Wigan, U.K., inhales what amounts to a state-sanctioned pollution serving deep state policy interests and involving cooperating airline companies. (Photo Susan Nickson)

Scientists debate whether global aerosol geoengineering has too many dangers to be launched. However, it has been in progress for decades. Here, Hungary. (Photo Peter Pazmany)

Evaporation rates have been sharply reduced, and wind currents altered by the dimming of the sun, as here near Raleigh, N.C. (Photo Michelle Casey, Chemtrails Global Skywatch)

Blue skies, when the program is active, vanish under a milky white. Progress in Nevada City, Calif. (Photo Lisa B. Thomas)

Do particles deposited at 40,000 feet more than dim the sun? Yes, they are inhaled and ingested by people on the ground, opponents of weather modification say. These people, mostly outside the environmental lobbying world, worry about human health. (Photo Frederick Wust)

The EPA recently held a hearing about regulating jet air pollution, which is altering weather worldwide. Here, aerial deposits embitter the sky at Wigan, U.K. (Photo Susan Nickson)
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Today (Aug. 22), Nashville is murked over by strategic aerosol geoengineering flights. Patents for the process date from the 1960s. (Photo Brian Mac)