Moms ready to destroy boys and girls are checked in this room at The Women’s Center in Nashville carefully designed to prevent vertigo. (Photo The Women’s Center)
By David Tulis
A constitutional right cannot be taxed or regulated, even if that right involves the killing of an innocent person.
Thanks to Roe v. Wade and impotency it brought to Tennessee officials since 1973, Tennessee is unable to thwart the slaying of unborn children in the state. It is a purported right in Tennessee that a mom can kill her son or daughter up to a certain age, and tens of thousands of children have been slain since that opinion published by the federal government’s judicial department.
So strictly protected is the purported constitutional right to slay the unborn that state government is unable to enforce rules upon abortionists Gary Boyle and Wesley Adams, who run two unlicensed abortion mills in Davidson and Sullivan counties.
A U.S. district judge, Kevin Sharp, in June issued an injunction forbidding prosecutors from enforcing a new state law that requires clinics performing more than 50 Itops (induced termination of pregnancy) a year to be licensed and inspected by the Tennessee Department of Health. The opinion came after a 25-minute hearing in his Nashville courtroom.
The Bristol Regional Women’s Center and the Women’s Center in Nashville are free to operate apart from regulation because they operate, presumably, within the penumbras of the constitutional rights of women who flock to the state to destroy their children.
Know a right if it bit you?
If destroying a child is a constitutional right as Yankee courts and a passive Tennessee government pretends, should we be busy contending for real constitutional rights?
These are rights that exist in great numbers that we haven’t thought of them. Obvious examples of constitutional rights that we should exercise WITHOUT ANYBODY’S PERMISSION are the right to marry, the right to travel by car, the right to educate ourselves and our children, the right to worship God in a church, and the right to speak freely and publish, the right to farm and sell from our land.
Yet in these instances in Tennessee and other states, we shrink before the prospect of exercising these rights. We feel we can’t marry unless we have a Tennessee marriage license. We cannot practice our trade unless we get a business license or contractor permit. We cannot give legal advice for pay without being members of the bar. We cannot use the public highways as a matter of right, but obtain a driver license from the state. We cannot learn anything or teach our children; we have to go to the public school. We don’t worship God in church, but at a state-charged nonprofit organization under the secretary of state.
Whom are we Christians to complain about the slaughter of the unborn when at every point we don’t exercise God-given rights? Whom are we to expect protection for the unborn when we at many points refuse to exercise genuine constitutional rights and let the state invade the territory of church and family and dictate terms?
Drs. Boyle and Adams are helping moms from all across the South to exercise a right to destroy babies. Constitutional rights, we’re told. We claim abortion is not a right under the state or federal charters, but who should believe us? If there is no constitutional right to kill a baby, why should anyone believe our words about the matter if we so widely neglect rights such as that of travel, marriage, publication and education?
If you and I start making an effort to “just say no” to phony claims of the state, God might slowly restore some of the blessings of constitutional government He has in His wrath withdrawn.
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