Heavy overflights lay a haze over Chattanooga, as seen from my house atop Brick Hill in Soddy-Daisy on Oct. 1, 2014. Twelve plumes — try to count them.

This view eastward from state Highway 153 on Sept. 14 reveals an aggressive laying down of white stripe. Normal airline flights to Nashville and Atlanta?

Chemtrails’ turning into cloud cover may not be healthy for those breathing particulates down below, but they are fascinating. Sept. 25, 2014, Soddy-Daisy, Tenn.

Solar radiation management makes a happy mess of the sky over St. Helens, Merseyside, U.K., helping dim the sun and scatter its rays. (Photo Facebook)

Oct. 1, 2014, another day in Chattanooga when jet aircraft deposit aerosol particulate into the sky for an artifice of cloud. A morning shot over Northgate mall.

Cheery fall colors over Litchfield, Conn., but American aircraft muzzy up the skies in what pretends to be a secret war against global warming. (Photo Facebook)

The spraying of aluminum, barium, strontium and other ingredients is global. Here, the coast of Brittney, France, holds its breath (or maybe not) waiting for the air to clear. (Photo Facebook)

My lightpole here in Soddy-Daisy gives context to an aerial demonstration Sept. 2, 2014. Does SRM increase global warming? Interventionism by civil authority worsens whatever problem is ostensibly being addressed. But a secret program cannot be debated by members of the public.

A closeup of a happy trail of water vapor (as EPA and local officials such as Bob Colby tell it) over my house in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn.

Jefferson County, Tenn., has not been reported as having made any official objection to this day’s visitation from above, Sept. 28, 2014. (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

As an early mist clears, there comes into view from a window in a city in Belgium this scene of “negative emissions,“ the licensed air pollution nation-states emit as part of a global operation against sunlight and for other purposes. (Photo Facebook)

Bizarre clouds such as these in Northumberland, U.K., are a result of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering. (Photo Andrew Crane, Facebook)

This scene from my house in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., Oct. 6, 2014, strongly suggests air pollution. What think ye?

Environmentalists talk among themselves about sky striping such as this scene from an unknown location. But no major group is getting to the bottom of this environmental crisis for “lack of data,” a Sierra Club official tells me. (Photo Facebook)

Some photos of chemtrailing are simply breathtaking, as this one from the Netherlands. (Photo Facebook)

The Tennessee capital city of Nashville loses, once again, a blue sky to federal intervention. Oct. 4, 2014. Expect no help from its congressman. (Photo Lisa Rae Bertelli via Facebook)

Tennesseans should expect no intervention by government officials from such abuses by nature, as seen above Claiborne County. No sky striping program exists, Tennessee U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann says. (Photo Facebook)

A plane flies over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., Sept. 25. My digital imager is a poor affair for photos. Will you help me with some better snaps, my reader?

This sequence records a sky absorbed into the aerosol manufactory that is the U.S. SAG program. Researcher Dane Wigington’s yearly weight estimate for spraying: 20 million tons. (Photo Facebook)
Perhaps since Rep. Fleischmann has no idea about this, he should not be in an office that represents the people. Maybe it is time to wage war on these mindless money beggars and have a ousting party.
This is nothing new, people! Contrails, condensation trails are just water vapor caused by hot exhaust from jet engines colliding with the very cold air at 20,000-30,000 feet.
I have been seeing these since I was a little kid. Now, with a sky full of commercial aircraft, corporate jets, private jets, and military aircraft, there are more and more contrails visible.
Not everything is a government conspiracy or government cover-up. Please, get a life.
Ed Aceman, you are so very obviously a mole. There is WAY too much proof now of what they are, what’s in them and who’s doing it for anyone to buy your comments. If your family members aren’t sick yet, they soon will be. May they live long enough to know you perpetuated the problem.