It may be silly to speak of “our town” of Chattanooga when it is under an occupation, with its Joel Solomon federal court building. Still, the city belongs to its people. (Photo David Tulis)


Shape of future, of ‘my town,’ in 12 key words

By David Tulis

February 14, 2021

It may be silly to speak of “our town” of Chattanooga when it is under a foreign occupation, with its Joel Solomon federal court building. Still, the city belongs to its people who have every right to chose their mayors and define themselves through the coming crisis. (Photo David Tulis)

I have covered local economy and free markets as a blogger and investigative journalist for eight years and am convinced that the concept of localism and lococentrism are eminently helpful as centralised remote systems collapse all around us, to our great alarm. 

By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM

The premise of Christianity will become increasingly attractive in the coming deconstruction of American culture and government, what I call a degringolade (meaning, a sudden onrushing downfall).

The stealing of an election makes us realise that stable things such as the meaning of a vote and even the meaning of those political figureheads we put into office is much, much less than we had previously imagined. If congresses and presidencies and governorships are less important because we cannot control in the least who the figureheads are, we should be turning our attention to the local situation and the ending of state abuses here. 

In my conception, there is very little that commercial government as we know it, or the modern state, can do right or justly at any point. There are far too many laws, statutes, ordinances and regulations for there to be any hope of relief and liberty. Similarly, in our debt-based economy, we are oversupplied with everything from shopping centers, public schools and and people with useless college degrees.

Ahead is a much needed and long awaited national breakup and impoverishing breakdown that will cut people’s net worth between 50 percent and 95 percent, but which will in the long run afford the people in North America a sobering realization of TANSTAFL — there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. 

Era of shortages, a closing in of the horizon

This means that many things in the future will be in short supply, including cheap fuel, credit, honest government services and the like. 

Enmixed in this future scenario of the next years will be continuing medical viral crises such as the one that we have been in for almost a year now in Tennessee. The CV-19 trial is preparing us for worse tyrannies ahead, promised by Bill Gates and others.

The following dozen key words summarize my outlook, which is the premise of this website and my show at 92.7 FM. My arguments for living amply and vigorously in our hometown will become more attractive as the economy becomes more broken, and the debt bubble pops.

Several of these concepts are from others.


Local economy — my moniker and euphemism for Christian reconstruction, revivification of local life among neighbors

Less is more

Denormalization — one of “4 D’s of the future” explained by Charles Hugh Smith at


Decomplexification — Smith

“World Made by Hands,” first of James Howard Kunstler novel series about life after the great reckoning



The economy of less (Kunstler in an interview with Peak Prosperity)


Proximification — a word of my devising, indicating a foreshortening of horizon lines

Solutionlessness — Nothing can be fixed, there are no solutions, but there are better responses, and less good ones.

Proximate economy, neighbor economy

Proximification is not just proximate, but the process of things becoming more proximate. It implies that our life will be much more proximate and near and close and neighbourly and local. 

It is not proximity as a concept, but the process of things becoming nearer to us And magnified because they are closer. 

Our national media makes us obsessed with things far away and news far away, in national coverage, whether of Trump or Biden, or congress or Gov. Bill Lee.